2024 Annual Stream Cleanup

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, Penns Creek Chapter members and other volunteers cleaned up trash on two sections of Kish Creek as part of this year's Annual Stream Cleanup. The cleanup areas included stream sections adjacent to Kish Park and upstream, near the 3rd Street Bridge, in Yeagertown. Beyond the usual trash like plastic bottles, aluminum cans and paper products, the cleanup crews also found tires, carpet, lawn signs and large pieces of plastic. Altogether about 15 contractor-size bags of trash were cleaned up. A stream cleanup is one of the simplest ways to care for our local waterways.

Big thanks to the volunteers who turned out to help with the stream cleanup.

Penns Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited 2024 Stream Cleanup Volunteers

Stream cleanup volunteers.

Penns Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited 2024 Stream Cleanup of Kish Creek

Trash was removed from the stream and the water’s edge.

Penns Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited 2024 Stream Cleanup of Kish Creek

Any litter on the stream bank will eventually end up in the stream.

Penns Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited 2024 Stream Cleanup of Kish Creek

Cleaning up a stream is a great way to care for local waters.

Penns Creek Chapter Trout Unlimited 2024 Stream Cleanup of Kish Creek

Cleaning up trash is a quick way to make a visual impact to a stream.


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