2024 Trout In The Classroom Programs

The Penns Creek Chapter actively supports the Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom, an environmental education program for students. The Trout In the Classroom (TIC) program is a partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. A TIC program begins in January when trout eggs arrive in the classroom and ends on a day in the spring when the trout fingerlings are released into a state-approved “Stocked Trout Waterway” stream near the school. This year the Chapter provided support and assistance to TIC programs in Mifflin, Juniata and Snyder counties including Tuscarora Jr. High School Conservation Club, East Juniata Elementary School, Sacred Heart School, Strodes Mills Elementary, Indian Valley Elementary, and Lewistown Intermediate School.

Big thanks to the volunteers who helped with TIC activities this year.

TIC programs allow students to raise trout in a classroom setting and then release them into a local trout stream.


Students witness the trout lifecycle in the classroom as trout eggs transform and grow into fingerlings.


On release day trout are transferred to containers for the students.


Students releasing fingerlings into the West Branch Mahantango Creek, Snyder County.


Students releasing fingerlings into the Licking Creek, Juniata County..


Kids on release day splash around in the stream while doing a macroinvertebrate study..


Each spring the fingerlings are transported to trout release site near the school.


Each student takes a container with fingerlings to the stream gently pours them into the stream.


Having raised them from eggs, students have connection to the waters in which they’re being released.


Chapter volunteers providing hands-on fly casting instruction to students on a trout release day.


Kids are amazed at all the tiny bugs living under the rocks, sticks and riffles in stream..


2024 Annual Stream Cleanup